H E L L O   B E A U T I F U L S !  

It's almost one in the morning and here I am trying to keep my promise. Well, at least I'll type half of it first. I'll just talk about my night first. Okay, we reached Esplanade around 4pm and I had four hours to panic so I did. When it was time for our performance, I was ready (or at least that's what I thought). I was fine, everything was fine but then right after the first voice cracked. It was not only 'Oh, it's just a crack. I can fix it.' IT WAS NOT, I THOUGHT I COULD FIX IT. My voice was cracking and trembling the whole way. My hands were shaking, I had cold flushes, my chest tightened, nothing was coming out from my throat and my stomach felt sick. Yes, I had a bloody panic attack on the bloody stage! I've never experienced any panic attacks as horrid as this. This is hard for me to admit honestly but I just want to share this horrifying night(for me) with you guys. YES, I HAVE AN EXTREME HIGH LEVEL OF ANXIETY. NO THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR ANYTHING FUNNY. THIS THING RUINS YOUR LIFE AND SOMETIMES YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. AND WHEN YOU HAVE PANIC ATTACKS IT'S VERY VERY VERY HARD TO CALM YOURSELF.


H E L L O   B E A U T I F U L S !  

HEY HEY HEYYYY! I'm trying not to be a lazy blogger okay? This is me trying. Before I start blogging about my day and the review, can I just rant a little? I have this performance tonight I'm really afraid that I'll screw it up. I don't care if there's going to be people or not but I just don't want to disappoint people and also myself. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. Yesterday during practice I screwed up so many times. I either was too fast or slow, also was not strong enough. I hate this, why did I even agree to doing this in the first place?


H E L L O   B E A U T I F U L S !  

HELLO! I always have been the worse blogger ever. I either have nothing to update or get very lazy when there is something to blog about. Maybe I'll be blogging more about thoughts or chit chat stuff or just vlog about it as I have been taking videos with my phone. Anyway, here I am sitting on my chair with my messy hair and needing to take a loo.

So, earlier this Tuesday. Farts, Chums and I decided to be a little more earth friendly by walking and taking the bus to Queensbay Mall. ALSO cause my wings(car) was in the repair shop. Haha, but it was really nice to walk again even though we were already sweating the minute we took the first step.