D  E  N  I  S  E      F  U  F  Y

H E L L O   B E A U T I F U L S !  ❤ 

   You can call me Denise or Fufy, anything's fine. Just a little bit about me? 

     I've always like writing ever since I was a little girl. I would keep diaries and write or doodle things a lot during my free time, or while I have homework. Procrastination at its' best since young. Haha! Anyway, I started a blogging in high school but every time I'll just stopped because I couldn't find happiness in writing. That was because I didn't know what I wanted my content to be so I just followed existing bloggers and try to copy what they do. We tend to get lost when we don't know what we want. So I deleted my blog every year and eventually stopped blogging.

Three years ago, I decided to give it go. It was an on off thing so I didn't post much but over the years I've grown and know what I want to write about. I finally let go the thought of attracting readers and trying to live up to other's expectations. Now, I'm just writing about anything about everything. I try to come up with new ideas every time, like a few series on my blog - Cafes w Eros and WFC (Wild Flower Child). I enjoy working on my posts and sharing them. The important thing is that it makes me happy, and I am. 

Thank you for reading!
