H E L L O   B E A U T I F U L S !  

I am super late for this post. Eros is on Episode FAR FROM WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW, and here I am only starting to type out Episode 2 of Café Hopping w Eros and Fufy. Hahah! He is way more efficient than I am, but then I have been either too busy and if I have the time, I’d either be too tired.

A couple of months ago, Eros and I decided to go to Macallum Connoisseur and we invited #bevin ( Bella and Kevin ) to tag along. Gerald was supposed to join us but being the busy boy he is, he couldn’t. My god, I remember the struggles I had with the DSLR – the ISO, shutter speed and aperture. I was new okay. I did not know how to function that contraption.  I’m better now tho, hehe.